
Tvtropes black mesa
Tvtropes black mesa

tvtropes black mesa

Johnson taking you on a short tram-ride tour of the Cairo space station after your Justified Tutorial. The developers said it was their tribute to Half-Life. The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay: The opening of the game after the tutorial with you are being led into the prison, but can look around on your own.In System Shock 2 character creation and tutorial, which to some extent also introduce you to the AFGNCAAP you are, are done this way.Everything and everyone you see (with the exception of the Department of Defense representative) is important to the story. Deus Ex: Human Revolution Begins with a walk through the R&D Department of Sarif Industries.Even if you're rushing, it'll take about 20 minutes for you to get to the first combat stage.

tvtropes black mesa

  • Bioshock Infinite: Not only is Columbia entered via rocket, but afterwards you spend a good deal of time walking around trying to get your bearings.
  • BioShock: When you're in the bathysphere looking at the underwater city of Rapture through the window.
  • #Tvtropes black mesa mod

    The Portal 2 mod Portal Stories: Mel similarly begins with the protagonist riding a train through Aperture Science's Company Town in 1952.The mod Heart of Evil: Percy flies to the site of mission in a helicopter, while The Ride of The Valkyries play.The Fan Remake Black Mesa hung a rather humorous Lampshade on the whole thing: one of the ads within Black Mesa reads: "Our tram system is really cool!" That and they did their best to turn the whole thing into Scenery Porn.Both help introduce you to the controls, specific characters, and the current situation, and if you pay attention, certain plot points. Additionally, Half-Life's opening is split into the uncontrolled tram sequence and the controlled "get yourself to the lab" sequence.Admittedly, the cops provide a semi-enemy (they will attack you if you get too close), but you can't really be killed in this, so it still counts. Half-Life 2's intro also fits this, where you are introduced to City 17 by walking around in the train station and then the surrounding city.Half-Life 2 also has the scene in the Citadel, where an immobile Gordon is transported through the Citadel and up to the top floor for several minutes and giving the player some of the only glimpses of the inner workings of their adversary.Half-Life: Blue Shift starts in the same way, and, amusingly enough, once the ride is over it inverts the original game's opening sequence, as the player plays the role of the security guard who gets stuck just outside a door at the start, and can watch from the side as Freeman passes him by in another car. Half-Life: Opposing Force was somewhat related, in that the player was introduced to the military's insertion and situation (even if Adrian awakes hours after his chopper crashes).The player can move freely inside the tram and look in all directions, but the tram itself moves independently. Half-Life may be the codifier if not Trope Maker (We even used to call this trope Black Mesa Commute), beginning with a slow tram ride through Black Mesa.Crackdown 2 gives you a brief aerial tour of Pacific City after the tutorial, demonstrating the effects of the decade-long war between the Agency, Cell, and the Freaks.The Amazing Spider-Man: The game's opening, doubling as a Shout-Out to Deus Ex: Human Revolution thanks to very similar art styles and presentation.inFAMOUS has a short sequence of Cole McGrath walking through the crater created by the Ray Sphere.The tutorial levels in Star Wars: Rebel Assault later become action levels when The Empire attacks Tatooine.Add in the opening cutscene at the beginning of the game and you get a pretty good introduction to how completely messed up the situation has become. Its sequel, Batman: Arkham City, has a similar sequence where you must control Bruce Wayne being brought into Arkham City itself as a prisoner.Batman: Arkham Asylum opens with Batman escorting The Joker through the halls of Arkham, following the guards through the halls, broken up with an encounter with Killer Croc.

    Tvtropes black mesa